Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Twofer vintage race action.


Anonymous said...

2nd Photo. Classic battle between
swing arm overhead and rigid framed
flathead. Get it ON!

Blind Melon

Flathead Jedd said...

Blind Melon, you are blind. I see two rigids duking it out. Doc any thoughts?

drsprocket said...

Jedd, I didn't see the comments on this post before I commented on the post above this. Seems we both think he's truely blind. I can't see clear enough with these old tired eyes but the cars in the parking lot suggest late 30's or '40's so no swing arm. I believe the front one is a Scout (forks, pipes,etc.) and the rear appears to be English(rims,pipes,short coupled Ridgid frame,etc.).

Anonymous said...

OK, my eyes have seen better days!
I was just so excited to see a flathead in the lead.... And I've
seen so many British overheads with
swing arms and, and, look is that
a bird???????????

They don't call me blind for nuttin, Melon.

Now go to the other site and see how to build that stroker....