Friday, February 19, 2010

Even more self promotion

New available sweater from the NLAMC. Limited run of Motor Company colors for the famous NLAMC Club Sweater. This one would look great with some custom lettering across the front and back!


AC&C said...

any chance i can get those colours in the chino style shirt?

Flathead Jedd said...

Eventually but not yet. How's the pan?

AC&C said...

the pan is good. those spirals and cables give me trouble sometimes.. before richard bobbed the blue knuckle, he had two cool light ornaments on each side of the front fender. i am looking for those.

drsprocket said...

Those are tailgunners Billy. Getting harder to find and expensive. Try Matt Olsen in N.D. I saw he had waxs made off them for casting. Worth a shot. Mine have been re-cycled already.