This is my new toy. A 1965 T100SC. This is the baby brother of the famous desert sled TR6. It's the factory desert racer made for the So Cal desert scene. I din't know for sure what the "SC" stands for, so I'm going with SO CAL baby! I still need to do a few more mods. I need a Bates desert or TT seat (help!). I've got a remote aircleaner, just need to fab up a bracket. Most likely going to remove the lights, but it has an original black and yellow plate and I like to display that so I may keep the rear light. I've already taken it all over the dirt near my house and it's a blast.
I can't remember the B-rated biker flick where they were racing Triumphs in the desert and the main star won and got the bike stolen by the gang on Triumphs too?
The seat you desire can be made.
If assistance is required, it can
be provided. But, you probably have a couple of these seats stashed.........
Blind Bastard Melon
Yes I desire help. Yes I need assistance. No I don't have any stashed. Used to but got rid of them years ago. That's why I don't like to get rid of stuff. You may need it in 12 years!
The bike is really cool.This is my favorite style of Triumph.The old leather seat would be perfection.
'65 T100SC Tiger 100 was Burnished Gold with White. I *think* the SC designation denoted "Competition Trophy". That was the last model year for the T100SC. Rabers Parts Mart up in San Jose might well be the best source of parts in CA.
65 T100SC was my first motorcycle in 1968. IIRC the "SC" stood for Sport Competition
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