Friday, January 29, 2010

13 Rebel Racer..... Southern Ascot 1940

I know who this 13 Rebel is and those of you good with a computer will cheat, but for all you history buffs, can you name the rebel? And by the way thanks so much Ed. Hope to see more real soon.


Anonymous said...


If the date is correct....This is
indeed a remarkable photo. The
Triumph with a girder front end and
that Indian going at it........

Blind Melon

Flathead Jedd said...

The date is correct and this comes from a very reliable source.

Unknown said...

Blind Melon
That is actually a Norton with a girder front end on it.
How do I know this? Well because it is none other than Ted Evens, 13 Rebels M.C.

Take care
Jackpot, National Vice President
13 Rebels M.C.
est. 1937

drsprocket said...

Dear Mr. Jackpot, Blind Melon is talking about the Triumph in the background w/girder front fork. The man in the foreground is astride a 1940 (check small metal emblem on tank)Indian Sport Scout. Check Linkert carb between cylinders, girder front forks, single bolt mount for handlebars in middle, tanks w/caps on both, brake lever, rims, footboards, etc. The Ghost

goinhot1 said...

Behind Ted is a rider name Boo Boo Pearson to the right is Pop Cougler.

goinhot1 said...

Do I get brownie points?

Flathead Jedd said...

Ed you don't get brownie points for that. You get brownie points for sending me the picture. thank you dad as well for letting us use it.

Flathead Jedd said...

Ok. I did a little research and the picture is correct. Not that I doubted it. The photo was taken at Southern Ascot. The dead give away is the railroad bridge. Southern Ascot operated from 1936 to 1942. It was located between the modern 710 FWY and Atlantic Bl next to the LA river.

Flathead Jedd said...

Side note. In total there were five "Ascot" parks in Los Angeles from 1904 to 1990.