Here's a bit of an update in the crazy world of the Wing Nuts. We've got some events in the works. A ride is way over due. The problem is everyone's bikes seem to be down right now. As soon as we get more bikes back up we will be going on a ride. We are also planning an event for later in the summer. It will most likely be an overnighter. A field meet if you will. Something about camping on a motorcycle has always appealed to me. We are also working on a Class C event. A ride to a track, strip down the bikes, race around and then tell everyone how fast we went. I've got a lead on track usage, but if anyone has any ideas please let us know. I prefer a TT, but flattrack will do. We are also planning a swap meet for early fall. For those of you that don't know, Wing Nut Wes of Four Aces fame is getting ready for another run at the record. He'll be Bonneville bound next month. Good luck Wes. Show support by purchasing one of his new Bonneville support shirts available on his web site. If I haven't mentioned it, the Wing Nuts welcome it's newest member (pending the "Gauntlet Ride from Hell") Jeff and his 38 UL. Check out North Los Angeles Motorcycle Club vintage motor clothing. It's a joint venture Between Flathead Jedd and Wes. We are in our just getting started, but are dedicated to bringing to you quality vintage motor clothes. We that's it for now. Feel free to send us an email and pictures of your bobbers.
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