This used to be Ted Evans shop back in the day. Now it's a thrift store. If anyone has an early photo of the shop send it in. In fact let's make that our next project. I need photos of early bike shops. Thanks for the picture Kit. You bike looks great there, just a few years to late.
Jedd- I lived around the block on Venice blvd for ten years. I may have a shot of it. may not but man I could draw a picture of that shop from memory...I was in there once a week trying to size up a certain triumph...
In "the Killing', a 1956 movie, starring Sterling Hading, there's a Ted Evans Motorcycle Shop about 30 minutes int the movie.
I once lusted after Husqvarna' at Ted Evans shop when I was a kid in the 70', you might want to contact Doug the son of Ted for good pics.
I now own a small BMW shop down the street from there, I'll try to find something useful for you.
watching "the Killing" on my big Plasma via netflix... saw the shop and googled it, I'll make sure to stop by the thrift store, great content on this site!
We are friends of the Evan's family. Sorry to post that Ted Evan's just passed away yesteray evening (6/5/10) Doug and his brother Eddy were at his side. Doug now lives in Sandpoint Iaho with his wife Lourraine and Eddy lives up by Magic Mountain somewhere with his wife LeAnn. They are all good people. GS
Was Ted Evans shop on Washington Blvd? Was the shop down the street from the old Culver City Speedway, where Eli Vukovich and Troy Ruttman used to race midgets cars? If so, the "motel" across the street from Ted Evans shop belonged to my Grandfather...wow!
Yes it was. Very cool.
If you want a great picture of Ted Evans shop look for the movie "The Killing" It stars Sterling Hayden.
The shop is shown several times.
Looking at the photo, and cleaning up the cobwebs from decades ago, I recall that the Ted Evans Triumph shop was a 2-story with the parts department upstairs. If I'm correct the shop was hinted at, camera left in the photo. That was mid-70s. But the real estate may have grown and shrunk as the British MC realm bloomed and wilted.
Check out the movie " the killing" the motel is in it
I am in the process of restoring a famous motorcycle that came from Ted Williams shop. It is the XS1100 and sidecar used in the Rock band Judas Priest for their album and video "Turbo" and "Locked in". This bike was given away in a contest by MTV about 30 years ago. While I was working on the bike i noticed a "Ted Evans" sticker on the swingarm which led me to this website. Does anyone have any info on the people who build this bike that was used in this famous music video? The video is on Youtube.
That's where I picked up on it the movie The Killing
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