Thursday, July 31, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Wing Nut News

Here's a bit of an update in the crazy world of the Wing Nuts. We've got some events in the works. A ride is way over due. The problem is everyone's bikes seem to be down right now. As soon as we get more bikes back up we will be going on a ride. We are also planning an event for later in the summer. It will most likely be an overnighter. A field meet if you will. Something about camping on a motorcycle has always appealed to me. We are also working on a Class C event. A ride to a track, strip down the bikes, race around and then tell everyone how fast we went. I've got a lead on track usage, but if anyone has any ideas please let us know. I prefer a TT, but flattrack will do. We are also planning a swap meet for early fall. For those of you that don't know, Wing Nut Wes of Four Aces fame is getting ready for another run at the record. He'll be Bonneville bound next month. Good luck Wes. Show support by purchasing one of his new Bonneville support shirts available on his web site. If I haven't mentioned it, the Wing Nuts welcome it's newest member (pending the "Gauntlet Ride from Hell") Jeff and his 38 UL. Check out North Los Angeles Motorcycle Club vintage motor clothing. It's a joint venture Between Flathead Jedd and Wes. We are in our just getting started, but are dedicated to bringing to you quality vintage motor clothes. We that's it for now. Feel free to send us an email and pictures of your bobbers.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Greetings Bobber Fans
I try to keep track of where people are checking us out from. It's fun for me. I'm lame I guess. So greetings all!
Hello Vienna, Austria...Canberra, Australia...Uppsala, Sweden...Chiang Mai, Thailand and...Mt Laurel, New Jersey! Send us some pictures of your bikes!
Flathead Jedd
Hello Vienna, Austria...Canberra, Australia...Uppsala, Sweden...Chiang Mai, Thailand and...Mt Laurel, New Jersey! Send us some pictures of your bikes!
Flathead Jedd
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
Chop Meet Pictures
Here's a few pics from the Chop Meet. I didn't take too many. Seems like I always forget I have a camera. I took a few pictures of some bikes I liked, but there were hundreds more I liked as well. I was working the NLAMC booth all day so I didn't get to spend as much time as I wanted to gawking. Kit I'm sorry I didn't take a picture of your bike. I kept meaning to and kept forgetting. Kit's bike took 2nd in it's class. It was well deserved. The bike is beautiful and he did pretty much everything himself, including the motor. Kit you are my hero.
Period Late 50's Triumph
Chop Meet Revisited
Well the Chop Meet has come and gone and it kicked ass! Thank you so much to all involved that helped to put on the event. The Biltwell guys rock and our own Wes White worked it. The event was one of the best shows I've ever been to. No problems. No hassels. Great Bikes. This show had one of the best collection of custom motorcycles I have seen in one place. I know I'm a Bobber freak, but I can truley appreciate the Chopper era of bikes and the great period customs that were there. I'll post some pictures soon, but I mostly only took bobber pics. Check out the Chop Meet web site for more pictures. Chopper Dave made some very cool license plate toppers as trophys for the event and I'm proud to say I took one home for the Flathead / Knucklehead class. That also means I've got my Flathead back, so I'll be working on the next Wing Nuts event now that I can ride again. Talk yo ya soon.
Flathead Jedd
Flathead Jedd
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Chop Meet
Just a reminder everyone, the Chop Meet is on Sat July 19 up in Wrightwood. It should be a great show. Getting up there is a great ride for those of you that haven't been up that way. The Biltwell Boys and Wes have been working hard to bring you a quality event, so show your support and come on out. The Wing Nuts will be there as will Four Aces and The North Los Angeles Motorcycle Club will be unveilling some of their vintage motorclothes. Hope to see you there.
Flathead Jedd
Flathead Jedd
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Yorg's Greek Style Bobber

This Harley U Bobber come to us all the way from Greece. This bike belongs to Yorg, a friend of the Wing Nuts. Dare I say this bike is perfect! Well done. A perfect example of So Cal post war bobber found in the Mediterranean. Keep up the good work and if anyone else in Greece has as nice a bike as you take some pictures and send them our way.
Flathead Jedd
Friday, July 11, 2008
Bobbers Abroad
Many of our blog visitors are overseas. Let's hear from you. Send us some pictures of an Aussie Bobber or a British Bobber. Japan I know you are out there! Send us some pics and we'll get them posted.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Grampa's Indian Racer

Gordon William "Pitt" Pittenger, born Feb. 5, 1918, Mt. Morris, Illinois, and died August 29, 2007, Boise, Idaho. Graduated from High School in 1936 and joined the Army Air Corps in August, 1940. Although the date and location of this photo are unknown it is believed to be in between those times in Illinois. He never raced motorcycles again after meeting and marrying his bride in November, 1944.
This was sent to us by our friend Ami. Thanks so much.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Daytona Race Scene
Saturday, July 5, 2008
The Chop Meet's a comin'!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Red Dog's Indian Bobber
Who's the Goose?
Tales of Hollister 1947
This story come to us from Jason, who is a good friend of the site. It's a good story told by Jim "JQ" Quattlebaum (Boozefighter) as told to him by Ed "Red Dog" Dahlgreen.
Red Dog is recognized as one of the original group of men who established the Boozefighters back in 1946. He was the "jail bird" that thirty or forty bikers were to have allegedly broke out of the Hollister, California jail on the fourth of July weekend, 1947. Willie Forkner pleaded with the mob to let it go. "Ole Red's drunk and needs to sleep it off."
Red Dog had another version of this story that he shared before his death. He stated that he had drank a couple of beers, but wasn't intoxicated. "I came back down town from the race track, and the main drag was packed and blocked off." Gill Armas was exhibiting his skills at burning donuts in the street, others were slow racing and, in general, it was one big planned side show going on. So, I took a short cut through an alley, and the back door of Johnny's Bar, then out onto the sidewalk. The curb was packed with parked bikes, so I rode along the sidewalk looking for a spot. Low and behold, along came a couple of Barney fifes type of cops. They took one look at me riding along the sidewalk, and before I could explain they slapped the cuffs on my wrists and marched me off to the pokey. I think they booked me for reckless driving or illegal parking. The heck of it was -Jim Cameron had his Indian Scout parked against the bar inside Johnny's, and they didn't to a thing about that."
Thanks so much Jason
Red Dog is recognized as one of the original group of men who established the Boozefighters back in 1946. He was the "jail bird" that thirty or forty bikers were to have allegedly broke out of the Hollister, California jail on the fourth of July weekend, 1947. Willie Forkner pleaded with the mob to let it go. "Ole Red's drunk and needs to sleep it off."
Red Dog had another version of this story that he shared before his death. He stated that he had drank a couple of beers, but wasn't intoxicated. "I came back down town from the race track, and the main drag was packed and blocked off." Gill Armas was exhibiting his skills at burning donuts in the street, others were slow racing and, in general, it was one big planned side show going on. So, I took a short cut through an alley, and the back door of Johnny's Bar, then out onto the sidewalk. The curb was packed with parked bikes, so I rode along the sidewalk looking for a spot. Low and behold, along came a couple of Barney fifes type of cops. They took one look at me riding along the sidewalk, and before I could explain they slapped the cuffs on my wrists and marched me off to the pokey. I think they booked me for reckless driving or illegal parking. The heck of it was -Jim Cameron had his Indian Scout parked against the bar inside Johnny's, and they didn't to a thing about that."
Thanks so much Jason
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